B2B Website Copy Review

Make Sure Your B2B Web Copy Gets Results

Attract and convert more high-quality B2B leads by fixing these top website conversion problems. In two weeks or less, you’ll have the clarity and confidence you need to patch your website’s leaky lead gen bucket.

Is your outdated website costing you?

B2B sales cycles are long and complex.

Potential clients need an average of 8 touch points before they commit.

If your B2B tech, SaaS, or consulting website isn't in top-notch shape, it's probably costing you in more ways than you realize.



You're nurturing your leads for 6-12 months.

During that time, they'll probably check out your site several times.

At any point, they could see that clunky, dated old website and decide to go with a competitor who appears to have their sh*t more together.

You know your site hasn't grown with you.

It doesn't reflect your current business.

When you hand out your card at a conference or speak at a webinar, you feel like you have to warn people, "Don't mind the website — we're redoing it!"

If your content is old or outdated…

Or your messaging is “off” or a little cringe…

You're losing opportunities with every new lead you fail to impress on their first visit.

You need a second set of eyes to make sure your web copy

  • Passes the 5-second test — clearly and memorably stating who you help and how in the first few seconds after a visitor lands on your site
  • Differentiates your organization and builds trust and authority
  • Highlights your thought leadership and point of view
  • Doesn't turn readers off with too much jargon, industry-speak, or heavy-handed persuasion
  • Fixes lackluster conversion — boosting newsletter signups, whitepaper downloads, or webinar registrations

Your B2B Web Copy Makeover

You want a website that makes a first impression you can be proud of and that kickstarts genuine, long-term relationships.

One that helps you stand out with B2B buyers, that clearly showcases your credibility and industry expertise.

One that shows you understand your audience and can solve their problems.

I get it — and I can help.

Hi, I'm Leanne.

I'm a conversion copywriter and content strategist for B2B tech, SaaS, and consulting companies. For over 10 years, I worked at a Fortune 100 manufacturer as part of the team that decided what software and services we bought to run our business. 

I have unique insight into what your core audience needs to feel confident buying complex products and services.

Best of all, I know how to write about complex topics in a clear, engaging style. I can put myself in your decision-makers’ shoes — because it’s often a team — and communicate in a way they understand and relate to. 

I can be an outside set of eyes, shining a light on gaps, helping you see where your message is falling flat, and suggesting opportunities to captivate and engage your site’s visitors.


Conversion Clarity for B2B Website Copy

You need to know where your current web copy is falling short and how to fix it. You need an easy-to-follow roadmap — and you need it fast.

What's included

A full analysis, recorded and transcribed, of what's working and what's not on your 3 most important web pages — typically, Home, About, and a Product/Service page

I’ll give you clear directions on how to improve your copy. I'll be looking for

  • Clear headline, intro, and value proposition
  • Subheads that keep people reading and engaging
  • Solid page structure and flow
  • Suggestions to tighten up your copy to increase conversions
  • Engaging storytelling
  • Clear phrasing without too much jargon or tech talk
  • Heavy-handed persuasiveness
  • Readability and use of whitespace
  • Good visuals, images and alt-text, 
  • Obvious goofs in spelling, punctuation, etc.
  • Suggestions for improving SEO

What's not included

A complete site re-write. I will make specific copy suggestions for one key section in particular that you can implement, as well as suggestions for headlines, subheads, and CTAs.

Why your website copy matters

You're close to your business. Another set of eyes, from outside your organization, can be invaluable. An experienced copywriter will notice things you may have missed.

Confusion causes visitors to click away. 

But good feedback could mean the difference between someone signing up to learn more or clicking away to your competitor. Even if there's nothing to improve, you can feel confident your website is ready for all the traffic you can send it.

Here's what you get

  • A 50-minute review of the 3 most important pages of your website from a conversion standpoint using my 12-point conversion optimization checklist.
  • Clarity on exactly what needs to be improved, why, and my best suggestions on how.
  • Onscreen rewrite of one key section (usually on your Home page) that will make your copy more conversion-friendly.
  • Video recording and transcript of the review so you can refer back to it as needed.
  • One 30-minute follow up Q&A call (also recorded), usually scheduled within one week after the review is complete.
  • My best recommendations for your next steps

Getting started

Ready to move forward? Here's how it works.

  • Pay in full for your Conversion Clarity website review here.
  • You'll get an email to a Typeform questionnaire where you'll tell me about your current challenges and which 3 web pages you'd like me to focus on.
  • Once I receive your completed form, I'll send you a link to schedule your session. I understand you may be working on your site, so I won't start until you tell me it's okay.
  • I'll confirm your site review date via email, reviewing how the day will go and what you can expect.
  • On the scheduled day, I'll record a screenshot of the review, using my 12-point checklist.
  • I'll rewrite one section for you with the aim of connecting and engaging with visitors and increasing conversions (list sign ups, request downloads, etc.)
  • I'll clean up the recording and create and format the session transcript.
  • I'll create a client folder in Box/Dropbox and add the recording and transcript.
  • I'll send you a follow up email with a link to your client folder, along with my calendar link to schedule your 30 min. Q&A call.
  • We'll have a recorded call on the selected date. I'll send you the link to that recording via email once it's ready.
  • If it's appropriate, I'll detail your possible next steps, including a larger engagement, referral, etc.

That's it!

The B2B website review is perfect for you if...

  • You sell complex B2B tech, SaaS, or services
  • You know your current site doesn't truly reflect your business and the value you offer your clients and customers
  • You know that every day your web copy isn't optimized you're leaving money and relationships on the table
  • You know you need an expert set of outside eyes on your website copy
  • You're prepared to act on recommendations quickly

Skip the website review if...

  • You're not in B2B tech, SaaS, or services (but feel free to reach out, I may be able to recommend someone)
  • You're satisfied with your current web copy
  • You're happy with the quality and quantity of leads your website is generating
  • You're not prepared to implement suggestions

Your investment

You can get the ball rolling today for $897.

Click the button below to schedule your review.

Still have questions? Email me at Leanne at B2Bcopywriting dot co  (that’s “.co” not “.com”!)  or grab 15-mins on my calendar to chat.

Get your web copy  generating leads 24/7

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